Liebster Award

Hey all!

So I was nominated for the Liebster award by Phoebe from Phoebe Giggles and Tiffany from Tiffany May. Thank you wonderful ladies very much for the nomination. I will be answering 5 questions from Phoebe and 5 questions from Tiffany.

The rules are as follows:
  1. Once you have been nominated, be sure to thank the nominator and leave a link to their blog;
  2. Include the Liebster Award sticker as well;
  3. Nominate 10 bloggers with 200 followers or less;
  4. Answer your nominator's 10 questions and in turn create 10 questions of your own for your nominees;
  5. Notify your nominees via a comment on their blog.

Let's get started!

Questions from Phoebe

1.Why did you decide to start your blog?

I decided to start my blog after two events 1. after hearing Tiffany talk about hers (we played on an indoor volleyball team) and realizing that I loved what she had to say and that I had something to say too. and 2. I enjoy talking about makeup and fitness (just ask my co-workers. I'm pretty sure the guys could tell you what lipstick shades are in right now)

2. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time and/or on holidays?

On holidays I enjoy relaxing and spending time with my family. During my spare time I enjoy working out and watching my favorite fall tv shows but mostly during my spare time I am doing school work for my second degree.

3. What is your favorite indoor/or outdoor activity?

Last year, I started to get in to archery and now that has become one of my favorite past times. Most of the time I try to incorporate it into a workout. My favorite moment this past summer was when my neighbors young grandchild said very loudly to his mother "look mom it's Katniss!"

4.What is your favorite social media and where are you most active?

I would have to say my favorite social media is YouTube. I love watching other beauty bloggers for inspiration. Plus, it is a great source for research on a product before buying it.
I am personally most active on my Twitter account. I am trying to be better about posting on Instagram but it is a slow learning curve on how to operate it effectively.

5. Do you research products online before purchasing?

Yes and no. If i am purchasing something online then yes I will do some research before buying it. Like I said above YouTube is a great resource for getting research on a product. BUT if I am in a store if something catches my eye I will buy it without doing the research.

Questions from Tiffany

1. Where did the name of your blog come from?

It is my last name and first name combined together with my favorite number. I wanted it to just be my first and last name but that was already taken :(

2. Favorite movie quote?

"That's not fair!"- Sarah
"You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?- Jareth

3.What TV show are you currently watching or what did you watch last?

During the fall I follow a bunch of TV shows. Currently I watch Scandal, Once Upon a TIme, Heores:Reborn, American Horror Story:Hotel, and Agents of Shield. The last TV show that I watched was Agents of Shield. I was catching up on the last couple of episodes that I have missed.

4. What is your most worn clothing item in your wardrobe?

I would have to say my stressed jeans from Rue21. I actually bought a second pair because I love them so much.

5. What was the last thing you personally cooked?

Last weekend I grilled out some steaks for my boyfriends birthday annnnnnd I microwaved some mac and cheese.

My nominees:

Lyndsay from Elle Bee Beauty
Taylor from Taylor M Hawkins
Tyler from Breezy Beaute
Sophie from Her Envious Mind

Girls answer the questions above! Have fun

Until Next time! :)

Follow me:
Instagram- leeerica16
Twitter- @lee_erica16
SnapChat- leeerica16
Bloglovin'- leeerica16


  1. Thanks so much! That was so sweet of you!
    The link to the post is

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! I enjoyed reading your answers. I actually did one of these posts a few weeks back. These are fun to do, and a great way to get introduced to new bloggers! :)

    Lyndsay //
