Birchbox: Unboxing

Hey all!

Sorry it took forever getting this unboxing up! I have been crazy busy with the start of this semester. On my twitter I mentioned that I am going back full time this semester versus being part time. I am also working full time so my schedule is pretty jammed pack!

So this month’s box the top says “2016: The year of ____” and it came with several different stickers.  Fearlessness is the word that stuck out the most to me! So that will be my goal this year in my blog and life to strive to be fearless!

Let’s get in to the box!


Hey All!!!! 
So earlier this month I tweeted a poll about if you guys would rather see the box showdown for January or individual unboxing’s. Well if you haven’t figured it out by the title of this post individual posts won out!

My first subscription to show up this month was my IPSY Glambag!

I did a second poll a week ago about what unboxing you guys were looking forward to the most and there was NO LOVE for IPSY. ZERO. ZIP. ZILCH.

BUT! I think you guys will be pretty impressed with what IPSY sent out this month!

So lets’ jump in!

Drugstore Makeup Haul: Eyes & Lips

Hello there my lovlies!!!

So about a month and half ago I posted a Drugstore Makeup Haul of face products and had mentioned that I would have another haul of the rest of the products.

HERE IT IS!!!!! 

I'm going to be 100% honest and say I really only loved one product and there was another I could live with but it wouldn't be an OMG I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE type of thing.

So let's do this!

December Favorites

Hey all!

Can you believe January is already here! December FLEW by!  

I feel like I had so many favorites this past month but I think I narrowed it down to the ones I reached for almost every day.

Let’s get started!

December Box Showdown

Hey All! 

So a couple weeks ago I did a poll on Twitter to see if you guys would rather see individual "unboxings" or a box showdown for December. If you haven't figured out the winner yet, it was the showdown! YAY!

I love doing these showdowns for you guys but I know they can be a bit long. On Jan 4th (2016 of course) I will do another poll for what you guys want to see for January! So if you aren't following me on twitter yet you should do that :) 

If you follow me on twitter then you already know that my BoxyCharm took the scenic route before I finally got it (I normally get it around the 14th of each month, this month I got it on the 23rd) so that is why this post is going up a little later than normal.

Incase you are wondering how a showdown works you can check out October and November right here <-- well over there, you know where they are underlined.

As of right now the score stands IPSY=1, BOXYCHARM=1, & BIRCHBOX=0

Lets get started with last months winner!