Quick Fitness Post

Hey All!!!

So this post was supposed to go up yesterday but of course LIFE happened and I wasn't able to sit down to write anything so for that I am so very sorry. :(

Anyways I want to start out by saying that anything I put in this post are things that I do and enjoy when it comes to a workout. I am in  no way a professional and everything that I have learned I have learned from doing research on the internet as well as posts on instagram. SARAH_BOWMAR is one of my favorites to go to for new ideas to implement in the gym.

I do what I find works for me and that is always changing. My best advice for when it comes to being active is to find what you like and stick with it. Results do not come over night. It takes times and dedication. Don't give up and don't punish yourself if you slip up. We are all humans and it happens; trust me I can't say no to Taco Bell.

My fitness journey started in April of 2014. I was in the worst shape of my life and I had always been active while growing up and then in to college. I swear the after college 15 is a real thing!! but my after college weight gain was around 40 pounds which I am happy to say I have lost. I did not lose it all at once it was a daily struggle but it slowly came off. I did not go on a weight loss journey because I thought I was fat or I was unhappy with myself. I went on the journey because I was tired of buying new clothes so that I had something to fit in to.

Looking back at old pictures I never saw myself as "big" at that time; of course I can see a difference between pictures now and then. I am still happy with my body and I continue to work hard to make sure that I am as healthy as I can be.

My standard workout typically consists of 30-40 minutes of cardio. I enjoy running outside more than on a treadmill but the running app I listen to makes running anywhere go by fast. The app I use is ZombiesRun! If you hate running like I do this app will turn you in a runner! I can't go more than two days without running otherwise I feel like I might snap. This app is interactive, have you ever been chased by man eating lions because I have, and has a great story where you really become attached to the other characters.

After my runs I try to do at least 15-20 minutes of weight lifting. If my schedule allows it I can sometimes go for 30-40 minutes. I make sure to write out everything that I want to accomplish in that time frame.

Here is an example of one of the workouts that I use:

-Upfront W Row = 10 Reps
-Arnold Press = 10 Reps
-Shoulder Press = 10 Reps
-Shoulder Shrug = 10 Reps

Repeat each set 3 times (one set is all four exercises)

Every day changes so that I don't get bored with my workouts.

I hope that this was somewhat interesting and maybe a little helpful. Please feel free to leave any questions below and I will try to answer as best I can or at the very least find out who can answer the question best for you.

Follow me:
Twitter- @lee_erica16
Instagram- leeerica16
Snapchat- leeerica16

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  1. You go girl! Love this post, so inspiring!

    xo Tiffany | teefmay.blogspot.com

  2. Such a inspiring post! I have thinking about loosing a little bit of weight!

    Elizabeth - http://diaryofagirl10.blogspot.co.uk/
