Nailhur:Nicole Nails Review

Hey all!!!!

So today I have a review for you! I recently purchased Nailhur: Nicole Nails. Youtuber Nicole Guerriero partnered with Nailhur and created five different colors/designs.

As you can tell I already tried out two sets. I am not the person who goes out and gets their nails done a lot so these seemed like the perfect solution because I do like a fancy nail.

Overall, I enjoyed these nails. They were easy to apply for the most part. I did struggle with the last nail but it isn't noticeable that it had a bit of glue on it. They are also easy to remove; just soak your nails in warm water to loosen the glue up and they pop right off. They are also reusable which I love!

The only negative I have is if you have wide nail beds it will be a bit difficult to find enough nails to do both hands.

I recommend these nails especially in a pinch. I had five minutes to get them on before I had leave for a wedding and I was able to do both hands within that time. (I shaped them the night before. That took about 15 minutes)

Nicole and Nailhur have a 65% off code:NicNails

Thanks for reading!!! Until next time!!

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  1. They look great! Thanks for the review. I might have to try them!

    Jasmine Monique Blog

  2. They look so good - really want to try these out? Follow me and I'll follow back? X

    Megan -

    1. Hey Megan!

      I followed you on bloglovin', twitter, and instagram ANNND I checked out your blog :)

      I loved these nails everything about them is easy from shaping them, putting them on and taking them off.

      The only words of caution I have when using them is a little glue goes a VERY long way.

      Good luck! and I hope you enjoy them if you do decide to get them
