Versatile Bloggers Award

Hey All!

So I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Tiffany May. Go and check out her blog right meow! She is amazing and one of the reasons that I started my blog :)

The Rules:

  • Display the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and include their link.
  • Share seven different facts about you.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers of your choice.
  • Provide links to your nominees and tell them they have been nominated.

Let's get started!

Fun facts about me!

  1. I have a very fat cat named MowMow (pronounced like cow). He is about 30 pounds and he is a little over 11 years old. I was told by my vet that he is a Maine Coon and that is why he is so big.
  2. I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a minor in Forensics from Mount St. Joseph University. I am now working on a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies and a minor in History, and then a certification in International Human Rights and a certification in Security Studies from University of Cincinnati.
  3. Polar Bears are my favorite animal!
  4. I LOVE calendars! I have a hanging white board calendar in my room and then two Lily Pulitzer planners. One is the smallest size that I keep in my purse at all times and then a large planner that I use for school.
  5. I played Lacrosse in high school and College. 
  6. Halloween is my favorite Holiday.
  7. Labyrinth is one of my all time favorite movies! 

I nominate:

Lyndsay at Elle Bee Beauty
Rebecca  at Rebecca Jayne
Montse at Beauteur
D.E.S. at Coloursofarose
Sarah at Sarah Emery
Shannon at Shannon Stacey
Anne at Bloom Girl Blog
Gabrielle at A Glass of Ice
Courtney at Courtney Hanna
Amie at Beautitude

Everything You Need to Know:

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Follow me:
Instagram- leeerica16
Twitter- @lee_erica16
SnapChat- leeerica16
Bloglovin'- leeerica16  


  1. Congratulations on your Versatile Blogger Award!

  2. Love Polar Bears!

    xo Tiffany |

  3. I have one of those Maine Coon, solid white not even full grown yet, plus 4 other cats, all adopted from a shelter, here where I live, the oldest an 8 year old Orange tabby, like to butt you with his head.

    1. Jennell,

      Maine Coons are by far the best breed of cat out there! Although they aren't lap cats they are very vocal and playful!

      That's awesome that you adopted from a shelter! People like you are amazing and deserve an award for taking those cats in!

      xo Erica
